學術活動     繼續教育積分申請


活動名稱IRCAD-Taiwan (Asian Institute of TeleSurgery) 彰濱秀傳亞洲遠距微創手術中心【WRIST ARTHROSCOPY COURSE】
開始時間114-05-30 9:0
結束時間114-05-31 17:0
活動地點IRCAD-Taiwan (Asian Institute of TeleSurgery) 彰濱秀傳亞洲遠距微創手術中心


姓名 服務單位 職稱 演講題目 演講科別
Kazunari TOMITA Kokugakuin University Faculty of Human Development, Department of Health and Physical Education Assessment of TFCC using radiocarpal portal and DRUJ portal Wrist
Steven L. MORAN Mayo Clinic Present chair of the Division of Plastic Surgery and Reconstructive Surgery and the surgical director of the Hand Transplant Program Assessment of SL instability Wrist
Michael MAK Prince of Wales Hospital, Hong Kong Consultant in the Department of Orthopaedics STT arthritis arthroscopic options Wrist
Shiro YOSHIDA Kurume University, School of Medicine Associate Professor, Orthopaedics, Hand Surgery, Department of Orthopedic Surgery TFCC augmentation Wrist
Gregory Ian BAIN Flinders University, Adelaide, South Australia Flinders Medical Centre, Adelaide, South Australia Professor, Hand and Upper Limb Surgery, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery SL repair Wrist
Pak Cheong HO Prince of Wales Hospital Chief of Service of the Department of Orthopaedics & Traumatology Arthroscopic bone graft for Scaphoid non-union Wrist
Margaret Woon Man FOK Queen Mary Hospital Consultant of the Division of General Orthopaedics and Traumatology Management of late stages of SLAC and SNAC Wrist
Mark ROSS Brisbane Hand and Upper Limb Research Institute Director Ligament specific reconstruction for SL instability Wrist
Toshiyasu NAKAMURA International University of Health and Welfare Professor, Orthopaedic Surgery TFCC foveal repair Wrist
Jan Ragnar HAUGSTVEDT Ostfold Hospital Trust, Norway Division Chair and Consultant Hand Surgery Department of Orthopedics TFCC reconstruction Wrist


主辦單位IRCAD-Taiwan (Asian Institute of TeleSurgery) 彰濱秀傳亞洲遠距微創手術中心
聯絡E-mail[email protected]


2025 0530-31 Wrist Program Taiwan v20250217-compressed.pdf

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